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November Is Diabetic Eye Disease Month


If you have diabetes, you may already understand that controlling your glucose levels is vital to protecting your vision. However, an alarming number of the 24 million men and women in the United States who are living with diabetes and the 56 million with pre-diabetes are unaware of this threat to their vision. In the month of November, the National Eye Institute (NEI) focuses its efforts on spreading the word that:
“People with diabetes need to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year and keep their health on track to prevent vision loss.”

Dr. Michael Sumsion dedicates a significant portion of his practice to helping patients with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy protect their vision. Often, the results of routine eye exams are the first indicator that an individual may have diabetes, and in those cases, Dr. Sumsion recommends that patients immediately contact a physician for testing. If you have already been diagnosed with diabetes but have not had an eye exam in a while, Dr. Sumsion invites you to schedule your routine eye exam today to assess your vision and protect your eyes.